EU says it’s investigating why Apple terminated Epic’s developer account

The European Union has said it’s investigating Apple’s decision to terminate Epic GamesiOS developer account.

On Wednesday, it emerged that Apple had rescinded a recently granted developer account created by Epic in Sweden with the aim of launching Fortnite and the Epic Games Store on Apple’s devices in Europe.

“We have requested further explanations on this from Apple under the DMA (Digital Markets Act),” a European Commission spokesperson told Reuters, referring to a new EU regulation which aims to ensure that so-called gatekeepers like Apple don’t use their dominant position in the market to stifle competition.


Apple has reversed its decision and reinstated Epic’s developer account.

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In an update on its website, Epic wrote:

“Apple has told us and committed to the European Commission that they will reinstate our developer account. This sends a strong signal to developers that the European Commission will act swiftly to enforce the Digital Markets Act and hold gatekeepers accountable.

“We are moving forward as planned to launch the Epic Games Store and bring Fortnite back to iOS in Europe. Onward!”

“We are also evaluating whether Apple’s actions raise doubts on their compliance with the DSA (Digital Services Act) and the P2B (Platform to Business Regulation), given the links between the developer programme membership and the App store as designated VLOP (very large online platform).”

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Epic claimed the iPhone maker’s decision was “a serious violation of the DMA and shows Apple has no intention of allowing true competition on iOS devices”.

“They are undermining our ability to be a viable competitor and they are showing other developers what happens when you try to compete with Apple or are critical of their unfair practices.”

In its own statement, Apple said it had the right to terminate the developer account based on court rulings from its long-running antitrust legal battle with Epic.

“Epic’s egregious breach of its contractual obligations to Apple led courts to determine that Apple has the right to terminate ‘any or all of Epic Games’ wholly owned subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or other entities under Epic Games’ control at any time and at Apple’s sole discretion’,” an Apple spokesperson said.