Suda51 and Shinji Mikami want to make a Complete Edition of Killer7, followed by a sequel

Grasshopper Manufacture CEO Goichi Suda (aka Suda51) and Resident Evil director Shinji Mikami say they would like to make a Complete Edition of Killer7, as well as a sequel.

In this year’s Grasshopper Direct presentation, Suda was joined by Mikami to discuss the upcoming Hella Remastered version of their 2011 game Shadows of the Damned.

However, at the end of the presentation, as the pair discussed their future projects, Mikami stated that he would like to see the return of Killer7, which he co-wrote with Suda.

Originally released for the GameCube and PS2 in 2005, the stylish, violent action game centres on Harman Smith, a wheelchair-bound assassin with seven split personalities which he can make real.

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“I’ve realised that I want to stay as hands-on as possible when it comes to game creation, and I’d love to see Suda make a sequel to Killer7,” Mikami said.

“Seriously?” Suda replied, before adding: “Someday we may just see a Killer7 sequel. Or a Complete Edition.”

“What matters most is whether or not you want to make it,” Mikami told him.

Suda replied: “I’d rather make a Complete Edition first. And then Killer11.” Mikami then asked if the sequel would indeed be called Killer11, to which Suda clarified: “I don’t know. Killer7: Something, probably. Maybe Killer7: Beyond.”

It’s then explained that in the existing version of Killer7, the character of Coyote doesn’t speak much, but he was originally planned to have lots of dialogue, which could potentially be reinstated in a new edition of the game.

“Fans would probably love a Complete Edition,” Mikami concluded. “That could actually be doable.”

Suda added: “We’ve have to decide which comes first – Killer7: Beyond, or the Complete Edition.”

In an interview with VGC last month, Suda told us that he “would love to” release Killer7 on current consoles, but said he would need Capcom‘s permission to do so. “I really hope to get it done someday,” he said.